The Chocolate Festival of Belize gives you the opportunity to explore southern Belize while you indulge in the sweet food of the Maya Gods - CHOCOLATE. Who does not like ...
5 Reasons To Love Chocolate Festival of Belize

It all started with a group of four friend sitting around having a few beers and grilling some ribs. Of course the talk of who prepares the BEST finger-licking ribs ...
Finger Licking Good, Estel’s BBQ Ribs Cook Off

Our year started with happiness, silliness and lots of iguanas on our heads! What??? One Iguana, two iguana, three iguana, MORE!!! You read right, our first adventure of the year ...
Green Iguana Conservation Project – A Learning Adventure

I’m always so proud of Belizeans coming together when it matters most. In this past week alone we have seen several groups at home raising their voices against offshore oil ...
Reef Quotes Worth Sharing by People of Belize

There is a new Japanese Chef in town and he has everyone talking about Sushi! I always enjoy writing about People on our Map that join us from far away ...
Sushi is the Star when Japan Meets Belize

I don’t know how we ended up inside the Simone Biles motorcade in Belize City yesterday, but somehow during all the chaos we did. When asking to get ahead of ...
Simone Biles Calls Belize Her Second Home

Have you ever had that dream where you're flying above everything and it's just you and the clouds? You don't know where you're going and you don't really care because ...
Dare to SKYDIVE San Pedro! You Know You Want To!

This is a blog that I have been wanting to write for a long time, but I felt like it was missing something. Something like PIZZA! The Truck Stop is ...
Holy Pizza Truck Stop!

This blog post is SUPER late cause it took me a while to catch up with school after surgery. I’m so glad to be sharing my stories with you all ...
How to Survive Surgery Like A BOSS!

A couple weeks ago, I learned that Kakaruchi is now cooking up a storm at his new diner. Who, you might ask? - You know, Enrique Luna! Everyone on the ...
Everybody is Talking About Kakaruchi’s Grill?

It is so easy to ABSOLUTELY do NOTHING at ALL in Placencia and not feel guilty about it. After a few crazy months of work and then visits to the ...