Amber's Skydive

Dare to SKYDIVE San Pedro! You Know You Want To!

Have you ever had that dream where you’re flying above everything and it’s just you and the clouds?  You don’t know where you’re going and you don’t really care because you can fly!  Doesn’t it make you want to skydive?

“NOPE!”  That was my response for the longest time to any question that had to do with jumping out of an airplane on purpose. Just “NOPE!”

Still, about a month ago when I was asked if I’d do it, I got to thinking of all the crazy things I’ve done to risk my life.  “I bet I’d be more likely to fly into a wall strapped to a bungie cord.  Besides, I bet there’s not a more satisfying checkmark on the bucket list. What the heck, let’s do this!”

So, I was booked and determined to face my ultimate fear!

As I prepared for my most extreme adventure yet, Solani told me of the time her uncle went skydiving. She was too young and has wanted to do it ever since.  I couldn’t leave her on the ground after all that! Besides, she seemed a lot more brave about it than I was. So just in case I chickened out, someone from the Ambergris Today Team would get to fly!

I kid you not! I was terrified, but at the same time I couldn’t wait!

The Most Terrifying Moment?

You know, I thought I would be most terrified on the airplane just before we jumped, but it was literally every single moment before the plane took off.  As soon as we were in the air and I got to see home, fear just left my body. Instead, I was filled with all that mushy stuff that just makes you wanna tear up.  We really do live in paradise and there is no where else I’d rather do this.  Seeing part of the most amazing little country on earth and the barrier reef that gives us all life in one way or another, I could only feel intense love and happiness. By the time we got high enough I was ready to go out the door.

Skydiving is Life!

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I’m literally feeling sorry right now for anyone that hasn’t done this. The views are unlike anything you will ever experience. The 90 seconds of free fall when you jump are the most exhilarating moments you’ll ever live.  The wind, the speed, the rush of adrenaline running through your body can only be comparable to the extreme sense of awe that you feel when the shoot opens and you slow down to see the best view you’ll ever lay eyes on. I have to stress that IT’S NOT THE SAME as seeing San Pedro from an airplane or even a helicopter.  All your senses are completely involved in this experience so even comparing it to peeking out an aircraft is lame. Best day Ever on steroids!

The Team that Made this Happen

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I’m adopting these guys as my new best friends. Skydive San Pedro is located on the dock directly in front of Sandbar and that’s where we met their team.  Max Lesziak and Rich Servantes are very experienced instructors.  They’ve both jumped thousands of times and say it like it’s no big deal! Along with Rocky Rivero, pilot extraordinaire, they are three of the coolest guys I’ve ever met.

Solani Graniel can now travel with me anywhere as long as she keeps that brave face on! She made jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, on purpose, seem like a walk in the park.

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All I could think as I held Sol was “her mom’s gonna kill me!”
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We did it! #MomImFine

Our videos provided by Skydive San Pedro are the closest I can come to sharing this experience with you, without you actually jumping.  Seriously tho… you need to do it! They’re running a Christmas special, just so you know!

Don’t forget to leave us a comment below and tell us if you’ve skydived before. If you haven’t, do you think you dare?

Amber’s Skydive

Solani’s Skydive


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Rich and I post awesomeness

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Madi got to watch her momma fly! Of course, she snapped it all too!

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Team Awesome!

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