This blog post is SUPER late cause it took me a while to catch up with school after surgery. I’m so glad to be sharing my stories with you all again! Here are five things you have to do to survive surgery if you ever need it.
1. Find a Doctor that you Trust.
I’m pretty sure you don’t want just any old doctor cutting into your belly. I am lucky enough that my Tati, aka grandfather, is the most amazing gastroenterologist alive today. Mom told me the story of how he decided to become one when he got really sick, but that’s another blog post cause it’s a really long story. My paediatrician, Dr. Wendy Rios, is a Boss and thanks to her I’m not even scared of needles most of the time. She’s like the kid whisperer! Dr. Ellington got to handle the needles this time cause he’s an anaesthesiologist. Lots of big words in hospitals. My surgeon, Dr. Gutierrez, has done the same surgery he did on me, on his wife! Honestly, having people you trust makes it so much easier and I can’t think of a better team of doctors and nurses than the ones at the Belize Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Center. They rock!
2. Have Family Support.
This one is as important as the doctors taking care of you. I would not have had surgery without my family there to encourage me and tell me everything was gonna be ok. My mom even got to go to the operating room with me until I fell asleep. I’m extra lucky, because I got so many messages from all of you. I even got flowers from my friend Trinity all the way at the San Ignacio Hotel! She’s a boss too!
3. Pack Loose Clothing.

Fashionista or not, you want to seriously stay away from anything tight after surgery! Your body is already mad at you for poking, cutting and stitching it so give it a break and be comfy after surgery. Fluffy slippers help!
4. Bring Games or Books.

At first all you’ll want to do is sleep, but laying in bed gets boring for me. If you are the same you should probably bring some coloring books, books for reading or even games. I love UNO dice! There was a TV in my private room at the hospital and that helped too.
5. Take time to heal after Surgery.

So I had a hard time with this one. If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I was ready to take off and skateboard, swim and go back to school the day after my surgery. Let your body get the rest it needs and practice a little patience. I’m glad my mom tied me down! Haha!

It’s really not as bad as people make it out to be. I was literally more scared of the boredom than I was of the doctors. My doctors are awesome! Being sick sucks and I wish nothing but health to everyone reading this, but if you do get sick and need surgery I hope these tips help! Love you all! Please tell me what you think in the comment section below. Hearing from you always makes my day way more special!