It’s World Toilet Day (November 19) and it got me thinking that pretty soon I would be experiencing more potty breaks at very interesting places and destinations around the country once iTravel Belize gets trekking with it’s new camper van. (Adventures and updates on that soon).
When you gotta go, you gotta go! Be it in a luxurious gold-plated toilet or a hole in the ground; Mother Nature calls at the most unexpected places. And it’s Mother Nature that we want to experience the most during our travels around the county. Potty breaks are just a part of what make a journey memorable, especially when it’s at an exotic location. It might be fun, exciting, terrifying or utterly disgusting. LOL!
Lonely Planet has publish a book about travel and toilets (Lonely Planet’s Toilets: A Spotter’s Guide) where Belize toilets are featured and most recently Buzz Feed included Belize in its list of “15 Toilets Around the World to Poop in Before you Die”. How cool is that!?
And the funniest thing is that I have used that ‘potty’ in that featured outdoor toilet located at Silk Cay, Placencia. #views
I tend to avoid outhouses as I am terrified of spiders; and those are perfect nests for all kinds of ugly eight-legged critters. Hell no!! Rushing to the toilet is inevitable on long road trips and we have encountered some very interesting outhouses during our travels.
On World Toilet day, here’s a look at some of the toilets we have used, some only looked at, taken a pic of and ran away from. They might not be the best toilets you must poop in before you die, but toilets you must poop if you have to ‘GO”.
Do you have pics of interesting toilets or places you’ve had to ‘potty’ and you must-share with us? Send them over to We will make sure to share them with our readers.